Thursday, November 02, 2006

Election '06, Part Duex.

Three more things I think:
1) I like Chandler Woodcock and I think he should get the call to the state house. While I respect Baldacci and think he will probably be a strong candidate for Senator one of these days - legislator seems a more successful role for him - there are problems in Maine I think a straight-foward Republican like Woodcock may be more adept at addressing. Does anyone have a current poll? I've heard everything from Baldacci-Woodcock 43&/42% to Baldacci-Woodcock-Merril-LaMarche 40%/23%/11%/7%. I'm a little skeptical that fewer than one in four will be voting for a major-party candidate whose favorability ratings slightly beat out Baldacci.

2) Token candidates seem to abound in the world of Aroostook County politics. With all due respect to my party's candidate, "Taxfighter" is a silly title and to simply fight taxes is irresponsible. The Democratic candidate, Jeremy Fischer, seems to have more aptly stated a responsible Republican's view of tax reductions with clear purpose. Has anyone noticed how his voting record is more to the right than some of the Republicans at the state house? Would anyone care to know that Fischer is the same age as Franklin Pierce was when he was a state representative? Things went pretty well for Pierce from there, despite being a single-term president. And a somewhat mediocre one at that. Back to what I was saying, it seems to be a whole lot of Party A's incumbant vs. whomever Party B could scrape up to run against them. I should run for the state house if that's all I need to be to become a major party's candidate.

3) Has anyone been thinking about how unique the next presidential election will be? It's been decades since a presidential election featured exactly zero sitting presidents or vice-presidents. I'm getting pretty pumped about following both primaries and working on a campaign come election year. My early favorite: McCain/Collins '08. Or Perry/Erskine. Are you up for it, Lynn? You're a strong running mate because you can deliver me the "American citizen, Canadian permanent residents living in the United States" vote. If it's close, that extra .0001% will come in handy.