Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Internationally Themed Haiku Post

United States of America
All nations, evil:
Democratic sexiness
Is at your doorstep!

We're NOT the U.S.
C, A, N, A, D, A, eh?
No opinions, please.

Keep us out of it!
We make bank accounts, not war.
...we'll sell you knives, though.

North Korea
Kim Jong Il, you're an
Ifinitessimal rogue!
Iran's nukes: better.

Cheap toys are made here.
...and we wish we were China.
We're China, you know.

Nobody knows that
Western Sahara is ours!
Casablanca, too.

Kamakazee, yo'
Samarai, ninja power.
Where'd the coolness go?

...that's all for now. A shout out goes to my wife, who despite her claim that she does not read this blog took it into her own power to post a protest its recent lack of activity, which you can read below. My wife is perhaps the coolest person I know.