Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Obligatory Opening Post

So here I am. The first of February is eighteen minutes old in my homeland, but it's old news over here in the Atlantic Time Zone. I just got home from a stimulating evening of the State of the Union, Anderson Cooper 360ยบ, the Daily Show, and the Colbert Report. It was enough to make me want to start a blog. I initial concept for is to rant about politics, music, history, and everyday living, presenting said rants through a medium ingeniously set up so that you come and read what I would otherwise be forcing you to hear. So that's the plan. Tomorrow (or, rather, today's) topics: The State of the Union, Hillary Clinton, and the top 5 things people talk about without having the facts.

...oh, and my wife want me to mention that she's right here next to me while I type this.

The End